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September 2024
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September 2024

World EV Day 2024: High tech travel

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This year for World EV Day we decided to chat with our wonderful community to get the inside scoop on everything they love about driving electric! Each day this week we will be spotlighting a different community member and finding out what made them jump from ICE to EV!

Today we are chatting to Graham Wright, a legacy EV driver!

Let's get plugged in...


How long have you been driving an EV?

Over five years of EV driving under my belt!

How has the public charging landscape changed in the time you've been driving an EV?

No comparison. The number of public charging points has grown exponentially… to the degree that pre-planning a route with charging points is no longer necessary.

Why did you make the move to electric vehicles?

It was for environmental reasons initially. But the discovery that EVs are also much better to drive, and vastly cheaper to run than ICE cars, is what keeps me electric now.

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Check out our blog 'Common EV Misconceptions' where we bust common EV myths- including that they are more expensive to run!

What are your favourite things about driving an EV?

This could be an endless list but:

  • The comfort and quietness

  • How smooth they are to drive

  • Instant torque

  • The onboard tech (including remote winter pre-heating and defrosting)

  • Vastly cheaper running and servicing costs

  • The convenience of charging at home

Just to name a few!

What's the longest journey you've done in an EV? Tell us about it!

It was around 600 miles - driving to, and touring around Cornwall. This was actually several years’ ago - in a lower range 30kWh battery BEV with considerably worse charging infrastructure back then - although the available public rapid charging was much cheaper and sometimes even FREE.

A little more planning and waiting was needed at that time … nevertheless we made it there and back just fine.

World EV Day image day four

Tell us your funniest EV driving story!

When we were visiting the Isle of Man in our first 24kWh LEAF, many years’ ago, we were concerned about a lack of public charging there. However, we discovered that there was complimentary EV charging available on the ferry across.

Moreover, it meant we got priority boarding to park up first! This meant we achieved a full (free) charge for when we got there and then another full (free) charge on our crossing back to Liverpool - ready for our journey back home!

What is the biggest difference between fuelling up and charging up?

The incredible convenience, especially if you have home charging. For the vast majority of our journeys this is all we ever need. For occasional long trips it’s now often possible to find convenient destination chargers, to top up at the end location without interrupting the journey.

If any single leg of the journey is more than the range of the car (approximately 200 miles for us) then it’s usually gone well past the time for a rest break. We would stop off at a rapid charging location where a 30 minute stop for food/coffee/the loo is sufficient to be back on our way again with at least 80% back in the battery.

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Heading out on a long journey and want to plan in your charge? Check out our feature blog "How to use the Electroverse route planner" to get you on your way!


Feeling enlightened, or do you think something was missing? Let us know by sharing your feedback.

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