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June 2024
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July 2024

Octopus Electroverse photo competition winners - May 2024

Seasonal - May 2024 - photo comp

If you were born in May, your birthstone is an Emerald - a jewel almost as green as the trees in our seasonal photo this month! Check out our fabulous May photo competition winners below.

If you've forgotten how the photo competition works (or you're new here!) and would like to enter our June draw to win some charging credit, check out our blog Electroverse Monthly Photo Competition, for all the details!

Let's get plugged in...


Favourite firsts...


In the North of the Netherlands, East of a little town named Hoogeveen, Lars posted this clear nighttime shot of a Fastned charger.

Thank you for the submission Lars, you've won 30€ Electroverse charging credit!

favourite first 1 - may 24 - photo comp


Julien is a (van) man with a plan! His plan this time was to take a picture of his charging EV and upload it to the Electroverse app to help out all his fellow EV drivers.

Thank you for the submission Julien, you've won 30€ credit!

favourite first 2 - may 24 - photo comp
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Top tip!

When taking a picture of the charge point, make sure you're outside of your EV with a clear view of the charger or the surrounding area - as long as it's clear and relevant, we'll love it!

Best seasonal photo

Amanda has been credited £30 for this green shot!

This is an innately British carpark, surrounded by greenery with the sun seeping through. You'd think you were deep in the countryside but, instead, Amanda finds herself charging in the South of Manchester at Sale Waterpark!

Seasonal - May 2024 - photo comp

Most eye-catching photo...

Jeremy has been credited £30 for this submission!

It looks like Jeremy used a professional camera for this shot - we've got to admire his commitment to capturing the beauty of EV charging! His bright yellow car with the striking blue of the MFG chargers caught our eye... what about yours?

eye catching - may 24 - photo comp
purple/pink charging lead divider

Next month's competition is now open!

If you'd like to read more about these changes or find out how to enter the draw, check out our blog Electroverse Monthly Photo Competition for all the details.


Interested in learning more? Head over to our Electroverse Community area for more electrifying content.