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July 2024
|Last updated:
July 2024

Octopus Electroverse photo competition winners - June 2024

seasonal (june 24)

Whilst the UK has been having one of its wettest summers, the South of Europe has been having one of its hottest! Despite these extreme weather conditions, the Electroverse community have been getting out of their EVs and taking awesome charge point photos.

Fancy getting involved this July? Check out our blog Electroverse Monthly Photo Competition, for all the details!

Let's get plugged in...


Favourite firsts...


Thank you for the submission Diego, you've won 30€ Electroverse charging credit!

Taken on the east coast of Italy, this blue-sky shot from Diego was the first photo added to this Freeto spot!

fave 1 (june 24)


Thank you for the submission Omar, you've won £30 credit!

Sometimes, the simpler the better! Taken in the west of London, Omar showed us this Source London charger, reminding everyone to bring their own cable!

fave 2 (june 24)
information icon

Top tip!

When taking a picture of the charge point, make sure you're outside of your EV with a clear view of the charger or the surrounding area - as long as it's clear and relevant, we'll love it!

Best seasonal photo

Peter has been credited £30 for this picturesque shot!

The sun was out in the north of Finland - shot at a gorgeous Recharge location. Although, don't be fooled, the temperature in Finland rarely rises above 20ºC (68°F), even in summer!

seasonal (june 24)

Most eye-catching photo...

Thomas has been credited 30€ for this submission!

We're excited to see more and more commercial, electric trucks on the road! Taken in the municipality named Landquart, in the mountainous east of Switzerland, this suave looking truck at a funky, Fastned charger caught our eye!

Eye catching (june 24)
purple/pink charging lead divider

Next month's competition is now open!

If you'd like to read more about these changes or find out how to enter the draw, check out our blog Electroverse Monthly Photo Competition for all the details.


Interested in learning more? Head over to our Electroverse Community area for more electrifying content.